Friday, June 28, 2013


If taking a Europe river cruise seems idyllic, maybe even a bit sedentary?  For those of us who are health-conscious (or want to appear to be), many river cruise lines now carry several dozen bicycles and walking sticks for guests to use.

 New tour trends in river cruising are guided bicycle tours ashore.  Additionally some tours focus specifically on hiking, kayaking, horseback riding, hot-air ballooning, and even off-road vehicle trips.  There are many options available for anyone wanting to burn off a few of those calories from the wondrous meals prepared to order on board the ship. 

So, no worries here!  Europe river cruising is a very diverse way to view some of the most historical and classically beautiful sites, for more information please call us at 727-789-1771 or email us at

Friday, June 21, 2013


For those us, who have taken group land tours throughout Europe, a relaxing river cruise is probably the next logical type of travel to explore.
 We no longer feel that packing and unpacking again and again is for us.  We're ready for a slower pace of travel.

 River cruising allows you to unpack once, while staying in your luxury accommodations.  The inclusive nature of river cruising will include gourmet style dining and a regional wine selection.  It is ideal - the ships come so close to the shore that we can enjoy the destination without even setting foot on shore or leaving our balcony.  It's showing us sites that would never have been enjoyed from a motor coach.

For more information please call us at 1-727-789-1771 or go to hhtp://

Monday, June 10, 2013


Castles and ruins mark the sites of former tolling stations along the Rhine River Valley. History records that at one time or another during the millennium , 800 to 1800AD, 79 different locations served as toll booths along the Rhine. Since it was the major thoroughfare in western Europe during that time. The old Roman town of Koblenz operated continuously throughout the middle ages.  The tolls were a major source of revenue for the Holy Roman Empire.

The upper middle Rhine River is a UNESCO world heritage site (65 km long).  The area is exceptional for the number of castles, mansions and fortresses that attest the strategic importance of the area. River cruising is the absolute best way to view all this history from the comfort of your own personal suite (preferably with a glass of local wine!).

For personal service and more information on a European river cruise call 727-789-1771 or email us at